Throughout his life, Hobbes believed that the only true and correct form of government was the absolute monarchy. He argued this most forcefully in his landmark work, Leviathan. This belief stemmed from the central tenet of Hobbes' natural philosophy that human beings are, at their core, selfish creatures.
Even though the raid had failed, it caused tension between whites and blacks and helped raise stakes of the presidential election of 1860. His raid also helped make any further accommodations between the north and south nearly impossible, becoming an important impetus of the civil war... so he helped "launch" the civil war .
Many of the British people responded to the news of the Battle of Yorktown with acceptance. They accepted the American and French aided defeat. They were tired of the long, drawn out war with the American colonies and wanted to focus on India and the West Indies.
The British King however, was not ready to accept defeat but Parliament no longer was willing to support the war with America.
It killed more than 1/3 of Europe’s population. Because so many people died there was very little slaves. The slaves moved to cities where they would get payed to work. Because there was no slaves working in homes the manor system in Europe fell apart and cities began to grow.