It’s A Kelly clark sponsor:a snowboard,a jacket,goggles,and a helmet
as hungry as a hunter
as lively as a cricket
as mad as a wet hen
as mild as a dove
as plain as the nose in your face
as poor as a church mouse
as proud as a peacock
(Your address)
Top Aliens
c/o Out of this World Bob ZA
Alien dolls
125 Marz Street
Martian Village, NY 96985
Dear Bobett,
I saw and ordered your, “Out of
this World Bob ZA Alien” dolls online a few days ago. I received them in the mail today. I noticed it was supposed to come with seven
unique aliens. However, it came with seven
ThingamaBOBs instead.
Can you please send me the other
dolls in the set (Bob, Bobster, Bobbie, Bobetta, RoBOBert, and Bobcat)? If you want, I can send the extra six
ThingamaBOB dolls back.
Thank you for taking care of
this. I know I will enjoy the complete
Bob family!
Best Regards,
Your Name
The one universal thing that makes people the same is that we all originated in modern day Africa, meaning we are all African. Which means there is no white and black, no lower and no higher. So, everyone is basically the same person here. Even though we have different faces, colors, backgrounds that all doesn't contribute to our distinctive homes. You can't call someone African just because they look brown or black you can call someone African because they were born with you in modern day Africa.