Family migration as a general concept covers family reunification, family formation, accompanying family members of workers, and the migration of a family unit as a whole. The following are key terms and concepts.
Geography influenced formation of two cultures in the region.Climate affected the people of this region by determining the type of food and clothing.
Hills and mountains restricted the people from moving to far lands which resulted to formation of two cultures.The Vindhyan is dominated by Hindi language speakers where as the south of Vindhyan language diversity is present.Climate determines the type of food and cloths for the people.subtropical regions has most people wearing short sleeve shirts where as polar area has fully sleeve shirts for its customers. Subtropical crops such ad wheat grow in northern states of India where as the southern states enjoy rice and coconut farming.
please provide some context, thanks
"The lithosphere is subdivided into tectonic plates. The upper part of the lithosphere which chemically reacts to the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere through the soil forming process is called the pedosphere. The lithosphere is underlain by the athenosphere which is the weaker, hotter, deeper part of the upper mantle."