You’ll know if you like like this person you’ll get this feeling right below your stomach. Kind of like a tingly feeling
Im a he, you wouldnt know cuz i havent told you, no harm done.
btw you were nice to me before i even did anything. you deserve everything good that comes to you and more!!!!! ↖(^ω^)↗
I believe the correct answer is E. bas-relief.
<span>bas-relief (meaning: low relief) is one of the
sculpture technique, alongside high-relief and intaglio, in which figures and elements
are just barely more distinguished than the background (usually overall flat). Bas-relief technique is really old, the earliest
known bas-reliefs are on the walls of caves and can also be found in Roman or
Greek sculpture (for example: bas-relief sculptures of Poseidon, Apollo and
Artemis on Parthenon).</span>
Bad songs but try the artist kid rock
It is an accessible form of propaganda and communication.
Many different religions use art to spread their belief. Places of worship are decorated both internally and externally with images and iconography of religious elements, to connect people with the divine, and encourage/remind them of the faithful path. It is also a sort of propaganda, an easy way of communicating the complex ideas that are faith and belief. Some of the religions that chose this approach are Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.