Alexander Stephens was the Vice President of the Confederacy during the period of the American civil war. He faulted the United States constitution and argued that slavery was what the Blacks was destined to undergo.
He also spoke in an assured tone and ways to make the Confederacy feel and adopt the view that the Whites were bigger than the blacks and this was later adopted into the Confederacy Government.
Liberal Democrats led by David Cameron won a surprise majority and formed the first conservative majority government since 1992
what does this Lyrical Analysis means?
it's been a week already, feeling weak already
Got me at peak, possibility of what could be
Situation is heavy, I've got to prove
On February 26th I lost my life too
It's like I'm here in a dark dream
Nightmare, hear screams recorded
Say that it sounds distorted but they know who it was
That was me yelling for help when he drowned in his blood
Why didn't he defend himself? Why couldn't he throw a punch?
And for our community do you know what this does?
Add to a trail of hatred
2012 was taped for the world to see
Set us back another 400 years
This is modern day slavery
bank of amercia didjfjfjfj
La Follette voted for Wilson’s progressive measures but resisted U.S. involvement in World War I. He voted against the declaration of war in 1917. He voted against bills creating a military draft and authorizing the use of borrowed money to meet war costs. Senators attacked him for disloyalty, and he was in danger of receiving censure. But the war ended and Republicans needed his vote to control the Senate. As a result, the censure move died. After the war he opposed the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations. He felt the treaty would lead only to “an unjust peace which could only lead to future wars.”