The function of the following tissues are as follows:
Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium: These tissues cover the surface of the body and present at hair and skin. These tissues are keratinized to protect the surface of body from abrasion.
Simple squamous epithelium: This tissue contain the single layer of flat cells. These tissues are thin and has the ability to pass some selected molecules through the cells.
Hyaline cartilage: Hyaline cartilage contains large amount of collagen that provides support and flexibility to the tissues.
Bone: Bones are made up of calcified material, phosphates and various inorganic ions. Bones provide stiffness and supports the weight of muscles in our body.
A boggy uterus, an unexpectedly elevated fundus on palpation, and profuse lochia are all indicators of uterine atony. The nurse must report a PPH right away and get ready to administer intravenous fluids and oxygen while inserting a large-bore intravenous catheter if one isn't already there.
Continue massaging and giving uterotonics to a swampy uterus to promote uterine contraction. Give 20–40 units of oxytocin, an analog of the hormone with the same name found in the body, in 1 L of lactated Ringer (LR) at a rate of 600 mL/h to sustain uterine contraction and manage hemorrhage. (b) Firmly massage the fundus if it is squishy (do not over-massage, this fatigues the muscle). (c) Until the patient's vital signs are stable, check on them every 15 minutes. (d) Avoid bladder enlargement.
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I believe it would be the respiratory system.
Was there a question anywhere here ? Lol
Aging skin itself more slowly than younger skin.Would healing may be up
to 4 time slower.This contributes to pressure and infection.Diabetes, blood vessels change ,lower immunity, and other factors also affect healing