The correct answer is D. resting phase
Diastole is the resting phase when relaxation of heart muscles takes after contraction(systole). In this phase blood from veins and coronary sinus comes into the auricles and ventricles because of the pressure in the heart is less than veins and opening of A-V valve.
When both auricles and ventricles are relaxed it is called joint diastole. Joint diastole is called complete cardiac diastole and is 0.4 sec long. After the joint diastole auricular systole occurs in which auricles are contracted and ventricles are still relaxed called ventricular diastole.
After the end of auricular systole ventricles contraction starts and auricular relaxation occurs called auricular diastole.
Answ5. Exercising below your Target Heart Rate zone does not help your Heart
b because exercising during ilnesses is not healthy
B, D and E r correct
At first, it is helpful to have a designated time and place to do exercises because the client will need to concentrate to do them correctly. Although improvement may take several months, most clients notice a positive change after 6 weeks of exercises.
Mrs. Duarte should file an appeal of this initial determination within 120 days of the date she received the MSN in the mail.
A notice is being sent to all clients with original medicare once every three months. This notice will contain all the Medicare Part A and Part B services which the individual has used or attached to the persons portfolio withing Thisntine period. The report is usually detailed, covering the name of services used, the supplier or providers balance, the amount covered by Medicare and that which is to be cleared by the recipient. Therefore. If there is a perceived mistake or error, the individual should send a mail to to refute this claim before 3 months (prior to the roll out of the nest notice). This will allow for investigation and possible correction prior to the best mail being sent out.