Fascism is something you believe. Dictatorship is something you do. Fascism is something you believe because it is first and foremost a type of political ideology. So basically it's a set of principles and beliefs you hold in your head and want to see in the world. Dictatorship in the modern sense is something you do because it is just a type of mangement. A small group gives the orders, the others follow them and nobody from outside the small group can change the small group.(I said modern sense because in ancient times it was a temporary period of rule by the few in a time of crisis to safeguard a less dictatorial way of running things when no crises were around). Hope this helped!
It’s the last one I am pretty sure
Could you rephrase this question?
The 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln was a turning point for the United States. Throughout the tumultuous 1850s, the Fire-Eaters of the southern states had been threatening to leave the Union. With Lincoln’s election, they prepared to make good on their threats. Indeed, the Republican president-elect appeared to be their worst nightmare. The Republican Party committed itself to keeping slavery out of the territories as the country expanded westward, a position that shocked southern sensibilities. Meanwhile, southern leaders suspected that Republican abolitionists would employ the violent tactics of John Brown to deprive southerners of their slave property. The threat posed by the Republican victory in the election of 1860 spurred eleven southern states to leave the Union to form the Confederate States of America, a new republic dedicated to maintaining and expanding slavery. The Union, led by President Lincoln, was unwilling to accept the departure of these states and committed itself to restoring the country. Beginning in 1861 and continuing until 1865, the United States engaged in a brutal Civil War that claimed the lives of over 600,000 soldiers. By 1863, the conflict had become not only a war to save the Union, but also a war to end slavery in the United States. Only after four years of fighting did the North prevail. The Union was preserved, and the institution of slavery had been destroyed in the nation.
Mao Zedong
Nationalist Party in China led by Jiang Jieshi, which began a war against the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong. Both fought for control of China, with Mao and the Communists ultimately winning in 1949. You just studied 8 terms!