it is missing a complete thought cause sentence fragment has that included also in it
Refer below.
Romanticism challenged the Enlightenment’s emphasis on objectivity as the basis of truth.
The statement above accurately characterizes the relationship between enlightenment and romantic poetry.
Because Miss Thomas was trying to convince Calloway to allow Bud to stay with the band while Calloway vehemently disagreed.
In chapter 16, the argument has become more of a discussion. Now the conversation is not just with Miss Thomas and Calloway but with the entire band. Calloway still insists on sending Bud right back to Flint; however, Miss Thomas is still pulling for Bud by stating "You have no idea how bad those orphanages can be. … You'll take care of any stray dog wandering through this neighborhood, but when it comes to a child all of a sudden you have no sympathy. … I believe the child ... He's staying right here."
As a childhood my professional aspiration was, I always wanted to be a Queen of Candyland.
The Land where there are unlimited candies and fun, where I and my people can roam around and have sweets for free nothing to pay in return for these sweet treats.
My Candyland will never run out of candies and sweets.
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A shy man. A class act. A visionary. An experimental writer. A socially engaged citizen. A "shameless magpie," as he described his habit of picking up on the sounds of people's speech, fragments of their stories. Although opinions vary on how to describe the man, John Steinbeck is one of America's most beloved and honored writers. Described as "the bard of the people" in a Centennial celebration of his birth that lasted a full year, he gave a voice to the downtrodden and dispossessed in America. His compassionate portraits of the human condition sell more than 700,000 copies every year, and many of his works are cherished by every generation that discovers them. As popular today as he was during his lifetime, nearly all of his works are still in print.