Answer: An important aspect of the writing process is idea generation. One good strategy for coming up with ideas is brainstorming. The idea behind brainstorming is to think freely and creatively about an idea, writing down anything that comes to mind. Brainstorming is also a useful technique for problem solving.
Funeral of Hearts
Megadeth - Of Mice and Men
The Killers - All These Things that I've done
Peter, Bjorn, and John - Young Folks
Depeche Mode - Precious
Rod Stewart - Killing of Georgie
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland by 1945
Wade Hayes - What I Meant to Say George Michael - Father Figure
Answer:1) He makes the dinner. 2) Charlie writes the letter. 3) The teacher reads my story. 4) We send the wedding invitations. 5) Sally cleanes the car.
Scrooge believes Marley's ghost is the result of an indigestion. He says "You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!".
annals- files that are recorded year by year