Each a had a House of Lords
Historians now believe that the fatal severity of the Spanish flu’s “second wave” was caused by a mutated virus spread by wartime troop movements.
Answer: The correct answer would be B - it affected European arts and culture for thousands of years. While the Hellenistic civilization itself did eventually extinguish in the form that existed at the time, Romans drew inspiration and knowledge from their civilization for a lot of things and for an extended period
Hellenic (Greek) refers to the people who lived in classical Greece before Alexander the Great's death. ... Hellenistic (Greek-like) refers to Greeks and others who lived during the period after Alexander's conquests
After rice and wheat, the potato is the third most important crop in the world, rich in carbohydrates and also as a source of starch. ... Dry, gritty native potatoes have components such as iron and zinc and better protein levels.
For the Mesoamerican peoples, maize not only constituted the food on which their day-to-day subsistence depended –and for this reason, it was the central axis of their economy–, but a link had been established with it that was so deep that in the cycle vital grain those peoples recognized their own.
It was taken from another page, so I hope it helps you... greetings!!!