During this era, America became more prosperous and saw unprecedented growth in industry and technology. But the Gilded Age had a more sinister side: It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class.
On January, 20, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, Himmler's second in command of the SS, convened the Wannsee Conference in Berlin with 15 top Nazi bureaucrats to coordinate the Final Solution (Endlösung) in which the Nazis would attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe, an estimated 11 million persons.
Old English was the first aspect of the English language spoken in the region of England, mainly between the 5th and 10th centuries. Its origin is based on Anglo-Saxon, a language brought to the British islands by the Vikings in their invasions, of a Germanic basis and closely related to the Norse. This first aspect was spoken until the Battle of Hastings, when the Normans invaded England and began to modify the language.
Latin America represents 1/10 of the world's population, and geographically can be located from the land extensions of Mexico, until the Patagonia at Argentina. Some of the most relevant elements of today's culture in Latin America are; Religion, Values, Attitudes, Social structure, Social stratification, Language and Gift-giving hospitality. The predominant religion throughout history in Latin America has been Catholicism. From big cities to small villages, churches, basilicas, and cathedrals are found. Catholicism left its mark, from customs and values to architecture and art. During many years in many countries the Catholic Church had power over all civil institutions, education, and law.
An important factor that might cause a cultural change in Latin America is Globalization. Industrialization is growing in Latin America rapidly and this is a consequence of globalization. Some of the changes that are likely to occur are modernization of cities which will make rich people richer, and poor people poorer. Mega-cities are being built by multinational corporations in cities such as Santiago in Chile.