<em>The Stamp Act</em>
The Stamp Act was passed in 1765 and was a tax that Great Britain put on the colonists. Paper products such as newspapers and legal documents now had this tax on them, which sometimes contained a seal or a stamp which proved the purchaser paid the tax on the product.
The colonists were not happy with the Stamp Act and they felt as if it was unfair that they were being taxed. They had nobody to vouch for them in the British Parliament, which is called "taxation without representation." They started to get angry and boycott the products that contained the tax, even sometimes becoming violent and harming British merchants.
On the other hand, Great Britain deemed its taxing to be fair. The French and Indian War was expensive and since it was fought on American soil, they believed the colonists should pitch in. They also said the tax was unfair because they were using their own soldiers to protect the colonists.
The colonists still did not agree with this. They were very strongly against the Stamp Act and even being taxed in general. This would eventually start to hurt British merchants and businesses, which made Great Britain realize this tax was doing more harm than good. They then repealed the Stamp Act in 1766.
A. To remind citizens of their constitutional rights.
New England colonists felt their win over the allied Native American tribes was a sign from God that they were destined to settle and be prosperous in the Americas. New England settlers used the war as a reason to retaliate against Native Americans and to treat them poorly. The war proved to colonists that the Indians were violent and lacking the ability to be civilized.
King Philip's War was a war against the New England colonists. This war brought together a few tribes with the Wampanoag tribe leading the charge. The tribes were tired of being connected to the English and this was their final attempt to get rid of the English settlers. Some other tribes joined the English in the battles and the English settlers were victorious in the end. Those on the losing side either fled for protection or were enslaved by the colonists. Those remaining from the enemy side were treated poorly and with the leader King Philip being beheaded for his part in the war.
<span>There was an embargo on trade between the United States and foreign nations. This embargo was the cause for 1812 - 1815 war between those countries </span>
I would argue that John Locke had the most direct influence. Locke believed all men were born a "blank slate" and were shaped by their experiences. The Declaration declares similarly that "All men are created equal".