Texas Geographic Features Project: Map Purpose Create a physical/political map of Texas. Time Approximately 1 hour Assignment In
structions Step 1) Gather materials and necessary information. a) Review the readings and provided research sites. b) Take good notes on the locations of major physical features and major cities. c) Ask your teacher whether you will be using presentation, drawing, word-processing, or artistic software to develop the map or whether it will be done free hand on a piece of paper and scanned into the computer. Step 2) Consider the required elements of the map. a) A title b) A compass rose to show direction. c) A key or legend to help your reader interpret your map d) Color or symbols to indicate physical features and cities e) Labels for the cities of Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and El Paso f) Labels for the major lakes, including Lake Texomo, Toldeo Bend, Lake Livingston, and Amistad and Falcon reservoirs. g) Labels for the Rio Grande, Red River, Sabine River, Trinity River, and the Gulf of Mexico h) Labels for the Chisos, Davis, Chinati, and Glass mountains. i) Labels for other major lanforms j) A page with a list of resources used Step 3) Think about these steps for creating a successful map. a) Plan: Sketch your ideas for the map on a piece of paper or on the computer. Make note of the major physical features and locations of the largest cities. b) Draft: Create a rough draft of your map. c) Revise: Review your work, correct mistakes, and make improvements. Assignment Prompt In this assignment, you will conduct research and use what you have learned to create a map.