The color wheel is made up of three different types of colors - Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.
-primary colors can only be created through the use of natural pigments. Secondly, all other colors found on the color wheel can be created by mixing primary colors together.
-Secondary colors are created by mixing equal parts of any two primary colors.
-Tertiary colors are created by mixing equal parts of a secondary color and a primary color together. The proper way to refer to tertiary colors is by listing the primary color first and the secondary color, second.
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They are making the part where they contribute to society stick out so the first thing you see is them being good
What had inspired him to paint his ground breaking painting was from when he had saw the African and Iberian art
Carrie Mae Weems chose the kitchen because it is an everyday place for families and women and many situations occur daily.
Carrie Mae Weems (April 20, 1953 (68 years)) is an American artist born in Portland, Oregon who stands out for her works in the field of photography.
One of her most outstanding works is the Kitchen Table Series from 1989. This work is a series of black and white photographs that reflect the daily life of a woman from the kitchen of her house. In it, she uses the symbolism of individuality and the roles of a person in different situations.
Carrie Mae Weems chose a kitchen for this photography series because it is an everyday place for families where most events of drama, comedy, horror, joy, among others, take place inside a home.
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