WLAN's or Wireless LAN Units have 2 main modes of operation
The Two Main modes of Operation are the following
<u>Infrastructure Mode:</u> in this mode the main WLAN unit becomes the main connection point in which all devices are connected to and the main unit provides an internet connection to all the devices connected to it.
<u>Ad Hoc Mode:</u> in this mode devices transfer data from one another back and forth without permission from a base unit.
Some WLAN units will also include 2 extra modes of operation called Bridge and Wireless Distribution System (WDS).
<u>Bridge Mode:</u> this mode allows the base unit to act as an intermediary and bridge two different connection points. Such as bridging a wired connection with a wireless one.
<u>WDS Mode:</u> this mode uses various access points to wirelessly interconnect devices to the internet using repeaters to transmit connections. It can provide internet to both wired and wireless clients.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if (num % 2) == 0:
print("{0} is Even number". format(num))
print("{0} is Odd number". format(num))
for ( initialization; condition;increment)
code goes here;
in python:
for i in list/range:
code with proper indentation
By initialization above we mean, like int i=0; etc.
By condition like i<10;
and by increment it means like i++, ++i or i+=1; etc
And in python, i can be an integer value if the range is mentioned, and it can be an item of a list if the list is used. We can also use an array, string and various other data structures in python. like we can have characters in a string and so on.
Please check the answer section.
Formatting can maybe be applied to software works
software quality dilemma is a situation where there is confusion regarding what should we prioritize : a good quality work or a fast paced work. In software development , many a times there will be deadlines to achieve, in such cases software quality dilemma is bound to occur. A developer would have to choose between writing and optimized and well commented code or just get the job done without proper optimized or reviews. In same lines, many companies have to decide between regular reviews and expert opinions of a product for good software quality or bypass them to meet budgets and deadlines.