The correct way to list the source in your References list is:
Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2012, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Retrieved from h t t p : / / i c v l . e u / 2 0 1 1 / d i s c / i c v l / d o c u m e n t e / p d f / m e t / I C V L _ M o d e l s A n d M e t h o d o l o g i e s _ p a p e r 4 2 . p d f
To avoid plagiarism it is necessary to make a reference list to give the deserved credit to the original authors as well as the people who have referred to this original source before in case that we are not quoting the original paper directly, following the structure of the APA format the information will be presented as it is arranged in the answer.
Analytical means logical reasoning
Governments converting to democracy is a good news because it means that more countries are realizing that the power should not reside on a single person but on the majority of the people who are living in the country and providing the taxes and services.<span />
<span>The difference between a sentence and a fragment is that a sentence is a complete thought and can stand on its own, whereas a fragment is incomplete and has to exist within another sentence. Thus, 1. is a sentence. 2. is also a sentence. 3. is a fragment. 4. is a sentence. and 5. is a sentence. Only and skate as fast as possible is a fragment. </span>
Answer: The last sentence
Explanation: In the sentence about the puppy, bright is another word for “smart”. The last sentence can be changed to say “The inventor’s smart idea”, which means that the way “bright” is used in that sentence is the way that word was used in the sentence about the puppy.