Ain't nobody cool as me I'm so dressed So Fresh So Clean at least I started it
The available options are:
Persons should be able to locate information.
Persons should be able to use information.
Persons should be able to evaluate information.
Persons should be able to delete information.
Persons should be able to delete information.
From the available options, and considering the report from the presidential committee on information, one option that is not included is "Persons should be able to delete information."
This was based on the American Library Association Presidential Committee of Information Literacy report that was published in 1989 under the administration of President George Herbert Walker Bush.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Persons should be able to delete information."
United States train travel had changed dramatically by this time, since the transcontinental railroad had been completed, which stretched all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late-1930s
fue el tercer periodo de civilización romana en la Antigüedad clásica, posterior a la República romana y caracterizado por una forma de gobierno autocrática. El nacimiento del Imperio viene precedido por la expansión de su capital, Roma, que extendió su control en torno al mar Mediterráneo. Bajo la etapa imperial los dominios de Roma siguieron aumentando hasta llegar a su máxima extensión durante el reinado de Trajano, momento en que abarcaba desde el océano Atlántico al oeste hasta las orillas del mar Caspio, el mar Rojo y el golfo Pérsico al este, y desde el desierto del Sahara al sur hasta las tierras boscosas a orillas de los ríos Rin y Danubio y la frontera con Caledonia al norte