Market economies utilize private ownership as the means of production and voluntary exchanges/contracts. In a command economy, governments own the factors of production such as land, capital, and resources. Most nations operate largely as a command or market economy but all include aspects of the other.
If you mean the first American flag then it's on display at Prospect Hill.
The granges influence weakened
After the fact of the failing grange the farmer's alliance came to be
Wide gaps between rich and poor is the answer.
With the surrender of both Germany and Japan in 1945, military contracts were terminated and soldiers returned home to compete with civilians for work. As government spending depleted, the economy fell into a deep recession and GDP shrank by a whopping 11 percent.
The private sector was booming when the government stopped buying ammunition and hiring soldiers. The factory that used to make bombs made toasters, and toaster sales surged. On paper, measured GDP declined after the war. In 1947 it was 13% lower than in 1944.
Gross National Product (GNP), which measures all goods and services produced, surged from just $ 200 billion in 1940 to $ 300 billion in 1950. By 1960, with over $ 500 billion, the United States was the wealthiest and wealthiest country. The nation has established the most powerful nation in the world
Learn about world war 2
The brain. Modern homo sapiens such as humans have much larger brain than the early homo sapiens due to the fact that food at the time was becoming scarce so the need for the homo sapiens to become smarter was a necessity. And because of this early homisapiens brains evolved to become much larger than what they were before