The separation of powers is important because it provides a vital system of ‘checks and balances’: Firstly, it ensures that the different branches control each other. This is intended to make them accountable to each other – these are the ‘checks’. Secondly, it divides power between the different branches of government. This balance aims to ensure that no individual or group of people in government is ‘all powerful’.
Geographic means physicals features of the land in this case you look at only the negatives of this like big bodies of water mountains and steep terrain these made it difficult because some settlers didn't have horses or were traveling in large groups wich could contain elderly and young children
that is more people moving to where there is no one liveing
there are being bult new not from old frameing
because the people are use to living where there is no one living it is queit
war and immigrant rights because if immigrating american or where ever are treated inhumanly that is wrong and war because we dont want some one to get too powerful like Hitler
if you see this have a good day