western schism was a splitt in the Catholic church between 1378 and 1417 while the victory of Charles Martel in the battle of tours was the victory of Christians over Spanish moors which stopped Muslim advances to Eastern Europe.
Western schism occurred due to the conflicts in the Catholic church and two men simulatneously claimed to be the pope.The rivalry defamed the Catholic church and came to an end in 1418.
Battle of tours was much different from western schism because it was not a conflict within a religious authority but a conflict between two kingdoms.
It is most likely because he believed that they could cause unnecessary conflict... that is just my educated guess
1.) John Locke sided with the protestant parliament against the Roman Catholic King James the second in the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689.
2.) In 1960, Locke published his book Treatises Of Government where he argued natural rights of the human being such as life and liberty.
3.) Locke's writing influenced many famous writers such as Voltaire and Rousseau.
4.) A little less than 100 years after Locke published his treatises of government, Thomas Jefferson used his theory in the declaration of independence!
5.) Locke believed that the natural rights of individuals limited the rights of the king.
Correct answer is C. The signing of the Burlingame Treaty
A is not correct as it refers to rebellion in China against ruling class.
B is not correct as this Act actually restricted immigration.
C is correct because when it was signed in 1868 it actually approved mutual immigration policy between China and USA.
D is not correct as it refers more to open trade between these countries.