I believe thats the cold war
Get the forigeners to stop selling opium to the Chinese.
Nationalism was a powerful force in these countries so each group longed to extend its border
The towns of Britain were getting overcrowded.
In early 19th century, the towns of Britain were overcrowded, and the condition was quite pathetic. They were overcrowded, water facilities were bad which led to many diseases.
Edwin Chadwick, the social reform, always mentioned that disease was the main reason of poverty in the towns of Britain. "Public Health Act of 1848" was passed where local authorities were responsible to manage water, streets, quality of food and to make the city clean. But it was unsuccessful.
Then "Public Health Act 1875" and later "Public Health service Act of 1944" were passed. They were significant steps taken to take care of public health. "Local authorities" were responsible for keeping area and sewage clean which would make clean water available for drinking. It would further help keep diseases at bay.