Answer: A worker is killed after his employer fails to repair a piece of equipment.
A Negligence lawsuit usually results from a party not taking reasonable and appropriate care in doing something they were supposed to do and this ended up injuring another person.
When an employer is supposed to fix a faulty piece of equipment and fails to do so leading to the death of one of the workers, the employer can be held liable for the death of the worker and a negligence lawsuit can be filed.
See below
The objective of fasting is to enhance the state of our piety which is represented by our fear of Allah, working in accordance with His revelation and being satisfied with whatever little he provides – as well as our preparation for the day of departure.
Around 2000 people in BC E their migration was (B)
WWI changed the face of warfare forever. Warfare became utterly impersonal with the invention of the tank, fighter airplane and automatic machine gun. The allied powers emerged victorious and powerful, both economically and militarily. The German Empire, on the other hand was utterly decimated, culturally, militarily, and economically. WWI lead to a halt in imperialistic policy and the formation of the League of Nations, the ineffective predecessor to the United Nations. The main end result of WWI was Adolf Hitler's rise to power and WWII.
#1) Determine whether certain hypothetical laws passed by congress are constitutional.
Answer: Hypothetical laws are not passed by congress as constitutional.
United States Constitution Article 3 Section 2 Clause 1
A matter must be concrete and non-hypothetical, as affirmed by longstanding federal practice barring issuance of merely advisory opinions.