<u><em>Gravity </em></u>
Basically, the sun keeps all the planets in the orbital motion by gravitational alignment. Just as the earth and moon have a similar gravitational pull towards each other. Galileo gave the idea of Copernicus theory. The theory also follows the models of the geocentric model of Ptolemy. Stars are at a fixed position from the sun and far away from the sun. As compared to the earth which is nearby and rotates on its axis from right to left.
The ice caps are melting due to global warming which is being affected by the polluted air
América está más lejos del Polo Sur que del Polo Norte porque América está ubicada en el hemisferio norte, que está más cerca del polo norte. América está presente en el lado norte del ecuador, mientras que el polo sur está ubicado en el sur del ecuador, lo que indica que América está más cerca del polo norte, mientras que más lejos del polo sur, por lo que la afirmación de la pregunta es falsa.
The wheats grew faster and more came