I think maybe:
Kindness, some social skills, and smarts
Only one hundred and seven (107) million American were employed in non agricultural jobs, at the lowest employment point.
Employment began to rise steadily after reaching its lowest point in the year 2010.
In 2010 is when labour market in United States remained weak where market deterioration had taken place for the past two years.
It is during the first quarter when the rate and level of unemployed fell.
Only 14.8 million people were unemployed during the fourth quarter of 2010 and that made the rate of unemployed to go down by 9.6 percent.
The unemployed and the employed of labor force was being held in 2010.
It's north of Georgia not west
actually yes
in the old ages the Jews basically ruled Jerusalem (hence the name) and people hated them for the way they treated the people there, not their religion. When Hitler came to power many years later after they had lost the rule of Jerusalem people started hating them for the way they horded money and their religion. Now people just hate them for their religion.
So yes antisemitism has changed over time.
If you can pick more than one, almost all of these are true (A, D, E). The ones that ARE NOT true would probably be: (B) Congress did not embark on a $1.6 trillion dollar expansion of the military, AFAIK. Military spending definitely rose, but the national debt rose by roughly that much due to the deficits created by the new budgets as a result of everything else -- not just the military. (C) is definitely not true, either; Reagan cut taxes for the highest tax tiers while closing loopholes, exemptions, and raising taxes on the lower tiers. If you were middle to lower class in terms of economics, you were hit.