The myth of Cupid and Psyche revolves around many archetypes. Among these <em>the maiden, the shadow, the fall, the sacrifice, the task and the saviour </em>are essential in the story.
The maiden is depicted by princess Psyche whose beauty seems paralleled only by the pureness of her heart. The shadow, <em>which manifests itself through the corruption of feelings</em>, affects Venus making her envious of Psyche's beauty and sending her son Cupid to do her harm. Later in the tale, it also affects Psyche's sisters who become envious of her happiness and plant a seed of mistrust against her invisible husband. The fall occurs when full of doubt, Psyche transgresses Cupid's warning not to attempt to see him, action for which he is wounded and must leave her in misery.
The sacrifice is present when Psyche undertakes Venus's impossible tasks in order to be given a second chance with Cupid. Some of the tasks involve, sorting out Venus's Doves' mountain of grain, collecting golden wool from fierce sheep Psyche and going in and out of the underworld for which she counts on the help of several saviours such as ants, nymphs and a misterious voice respectively.