Study as much as you can. Write out only the stuff you know you will probably forget in your notes. Basically study whatever you definitely are not most comfortably on then a week before the test study what you are comfortable on. Do it over and over again until you are right or believe that you know how to it.
The subcategory that fits the best the following words (applaud, cheer, observe, consume) is the following:
A.) Things you do at a celebration.
All the verbs on that group consistently exist on a celebration: applauds, the act of cheering, observing the events at a celebration and consuming different types of things depending on the celebration (cakes for a birthday or wedding, drinks for a party celebration, etc.)
Because the floods and river banks attract wild life such a edible plants and fish for then to eat.
B if we are talking about LOTR's Frodo.
that Whitman's style allows for various kinds of language
Walt Whitman wrote the poem, "Song of Myself". The poem has been written in free verse. Whitman wanted the poem to reach the maximum of people. He kept the words and phrases to be simple and subtle. The poet praises and admires himself as an individual. Whitman uses the simple style and verses to point the common things and their significance in life. There is much symbolism used in the poem which indicates not just an individual but the nation as a whole.