={ imagine who will miss you
The sentence is arguably two, or at least in deservance of a dash. The first sentence ends after 'quickly', and the second begins at 'it'.
<em>Answer:The conflict in the short story Condensed milk is survival in a Gulag, hungr and desperation.</em>
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<em>The story follows Shestakov, a camp geologist who asks a miner to help him escape the Gulag. The miner knows the task is impossible but ebcause he is hungry he agrees to do it in exchange for 2 cans of condensed milk.</em>
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<em>Many prisoners attempt escape with Shestakov but are captured and some of them are killed.</em>
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<em>In this story, the miner walks into sure death just to have condensed milk once. The desperation and perennial hunger of the gulags pushed him to trade his life for some food that is usually staple in normal people's lives.</em>
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<em>This hunger and desperation is the main conflict of the story.</em>
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_Award brainliest if helped!
Minor Probs are : Hobbies : Playing the clarinet , cheerleading in highschool
Space your resume more, put lesser Slashes > those a/b/c instead organise them in sections/individual lines,
Like : 6foot 1 , 95kg should be another line and titled Heigh and Weight: 6Foot 1", 95kg. (only if your height and weight is relevant to the job)
Education should have its prestige Section. follow some templates online to get it looking spiffy
because a lot of students can`t eat at home because of they most of the time have reckless parents who do drugs and other things like that so they have to wait till lunch but they won`t be able to concentrate on their work so they will make terrible grades just because a teacher or a principal doesn`t want ¨distractions¨ in the classroom.