Reform: During the French Revolution, the National Assembly was able to set some new standards or reforms, which they thought would better the whole situation. Amongst these reforms we have a balance of powers, a declaration which stated that all men were equal under the law; just because you were noble-born did not mean you had privileges; no emperors or dictators were able to rule; they would not return to the "Ancien Regime"; and finally, the monarchic rule would end.
Terror: After the death of Louis XVI in 1793, the Reign of Terror began. The first to be affected by this was Marie Antoinette who had been imprisoned with her children. The guillotine, the new instrument for democratic justice, was put to work. Public executions were thought of as educational. Women were encouraged to sit and knit during trials and executions. Across France 30,000 people were killed for very unnecessary things such as saying something critical of the revolutionary government. The leader during this time was Robespierre. He was the leader of Public Safety, the executive committee of the National Convention, and the most powerful man on France. But after some time, people believed that the Terror must be stopped. Even his supporters, the Jacobins believed that it was time to stop the Terror. Many conventions were held in order to stop the Terror. Danton was the one leading this, but later was threatened to death and prohibited from defending himself.
Thats what i could help you out with, or at lest thats what i have in my notes from class and i am an all A's student so dont worry its all correct because i atchally care for my grades so i pay attenchtion. Your welcome!!
mutually assured destruction was an agreed upon course of action that stated if two countries were to get into a nuclear war, a majority of the populations of both the countries would dwindle and utterly destroy both. Because both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. did not want to lose themselves as countries and their populations, the Cold war never had any nuclear action taken, hence the name Cold War.
A main difference is the context of the war. The American Revolution was caused by a majority of the America population becoming unhappy because of how the British were ruling them. The French Revolution started between the French lower class and the French government.
Hope this helps ;-)
Select these that apply as matters on which the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church agreed:
A. belief in one God
B. belief in Christ the Savior
G. the Gospels as Scripture
Some detail about what differed between the two sides and why they ended up splitting in what became known as "The Great Schism."
Mainly the Great Schism was caused by disputes over authority in the church. There were also doctrinal issues of dispute. For instance, the East objected to the addition of the Latin word "filioque" (meaning "and the Son") to the Nicene Creed, in which churches in the West confessed that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son (rather than from the Father alone, as confessed in the East). The West objected to the worship given to icons in the Eastern churches. There were also language differences, since Greek was the language of the church in the East and Latin the language of the church in the West.
Ultimately, though, the biggest reason was the struggle over authority in the church. In 1054 CE, there were mutual declarations of excommunication between the pope (in Rome) and the patriarch (in Constantinople) that resulted in "The Great Schism" -- a monumental split between the western church (the Roman Catholic Church and what has become known as the Eastern Orthodox Church. "Catholic" means universal -- the Roman pope was intent on asserting his leadership over all of Christendom. "Orthodox" means "right teaching." The Eastern patriarch and church were asserting their teachings to be right over against positions held in the West. There were a number of doctrinal issues debated hotly between East and West over the centuries leading up to final break between the two halves of the church. But more than anything, the split came down to "church power" -- who held control over the church.
A. Show remembrance and memory of a specific event
(Dictionary definition)
A documentation is defined as the process of collecting and classifying different documents that can include online, printed and media documents that usually belong to one theme or topic, in this way, documentation is considered as a set of different materials that contain official information or record information related to one specific event or issue that are used for multiple purposes including recording information, analyzing it or studying it. In this way, a document is intended to show remembrance and memory of a specific event as it can be used to collect information about the past.