Second point of view
The paragraph uses "you" signifying that you (the reader) are the main charter or are in the eyes of main character.
If you do not know your audience's interests you will probably lose their interest.
D. trochaic TRIMETER (The foot has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. This pattern repeats THREE times in each line.)
William Blake's poem "The lamb" has trochaic trimeter ( a foot has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. This patter repeats three times in each line.
Li<em>ttle </em>lamb <em>who</em><em> </em>made <em>thee?</em>
Dost <em>thou</em> know <em>who</em> made <em>thee?</em>
bold syllables are stressed ones and italicized are unstressed. Blake mimicked the rhyme scheme AABB and trochaic rhythm of hymns ans nursery rhymes in this poem.
Note: The trochaic meter used is trimeter and not tetrameter.
He was also known as the angelic doctor