Assuming that you are referring to the territories of today's Mexico, formerly know as <em>New Spain</em>, here is the paragraph:
As Hernan Cortes campaigned throughout the first continental lands of America, the idea that many Spaniards, probably even himself, harbored was that of founding Spain all over again in the newly found and conquered lands. A mix of nostalgia and pride for the Motherland, Spain, must have prompted the <em>Conquistadors</em> to name the cities and provinces they founded after cities and provinces already existing in Spain. One reason for using already familiar names had to do with the difficulty of pronouncing the original names of the places given by the native people, the other one had to do with a sense of control, since most people hold the belief that naming things bestows them with a degree of control over them. And yet another reason may have been the comfort of living in places named after their old home towns and provinces the Spaniards had come from.
Its A, someone made a quizlet and has the answer in it and they said its basically A also the president really just wanted to prove that America was powerful and because he didnt want to lose anymore american lives
whats the conversation about????????????????
The pinnacle 1 percentage held approximately half of of that wealth – 32.1 percentage, whilst the subsequent nine percentage held approximately every other 1/2 at 37.7 percentage.
The bottom 50 percent of U.S. residents simplest held 2 percentage of all of U.S. wealth.
Measures the fee of all the property of worth owned by means of someone, community, organization, or country. Wealth is determined with the aid of taking the whole market cost of all bodily and intangible property owned, then subtracting all debts.
Exertions income is the maximum essential determinant of wealth, besides some of the top 1%, where capital profits and capital gains on financial belongings end up important. Inheritances and items aren't an crucial determinant of wealth, even on the top of the wealth distribution.
Learn more about wealth occupational
My position on the use of presidential pardon authority is of favourability; because this was granted by the Constitution which represents the Americans desires and philosophy of how the govern should act for the citizens and states interests and dreams.
Pardons tend to be controversial because as they overlay justice decisions the President can use the pardon and offer it for a person in the purpose of fulfilling, or attend his own interest or causes. Taking advantage of pardon for personal benefits.
One actual example of a president’s use of his pardon authority was the pardon granted for Former President Richard Nixon by President Gerald Ford on September 8, 1974 regarding any crimes he could have done in Watergate Scandal.
The pardon legally relates to punishment effects for a crime (if it is offered before a conviction it prevents the penalties and disabilities and if it is after a conviction it removes them).
The emotional issues that those most personally affected by the original crime may have toward the granting of a pardon can be vary.
In the case of Nixon critics claimed the pardon to be a “corrupt bargain” and later this seems to be the cause of peoples rejection of Ford and reason of the President losing the elections of 1976. While for Nixon was a great relive and an import act this pardon Ford gave him.