In late March 1857 a sepoy named Mangal Pandey attacked British officers at the military garrison in Barrackpore. He was arrested and then executed by the British in early April. Later in April sepoy troopers at Meerut refused the Enfield cartridges, and, as punishment, they were given long prison terms, fettered, and put in jail. This punishment incensed their comrades, who rose on May 10, shot their British officers, and marched to Delhi, where there were no European troops. There the local sepoy garrison joined the Meerut men, and by nightfall the aged pensionary Mughal emperor Bahādur Shah II had been nominally restored to power by a tumultuous soldiery. The seizure of Delhi provided a focus and set the pattern for the whole mutiny, which then spread throughout northern India. With the exception of the Mughal emperor and his sons and Nana Sahib, the adopted son of the deposed Maratha peshwa, none of the important Indian princes joined the mutineers.
They could rebel against enslavers
They could run away
They could perform small, daily acts of resistance, such as slowing down work
Anglo-Zanzibar War
it lasted less then an hour.
Trade relations between China and other nations increased was an effect of Deng Xiaoping's leadership.
He was the leader of China from 1978 until he retired in 1989.
When national leader became the pre-eminent leader of China in Dec 1978, China was still in the chaos from the Cultural Revolution. The per capita annual financial gain was but US$100.
By the time he stepped down in 1992, many hundred million Chinese voters had been upraised out of economic condition, and China was quickly changing into stronger, richer and additional fashionable.
Deng Xiaoping didn't originate reform and gap that began below the leadership of Al Faran Guofeng when the death of communist in 1976. however, Deng provided the steady hand, the clear direction and therefore the political ability for China to succeed.
1- Dominant --- most common or influential
2- Morals --- ideas about what is right and good
3- Rule of law --- the idea that everyone should be treated equally by the law
4- Intrinsic --- part of the basic nature of something
5- Ethics --- a set of rules that govern behavior
1- Dominant is understood as that political, social or cultural position that is majority or predominant in a certain place or sector. For example, the dominant political stance in the university sociological sector in the United States is the Democratic Party.
2- Moral is the set of internal rules that each person has regarding their behavior and their relationship with the rest of society, which are imposed by the individual on the basis of his social, historical and religious context.
3- The rule of law is the system of law that establishes freedom, equality, and equity among all citizens who are members of a community or nation. Through this, equality is guaranteed before the law and illegitimate inequalities such as slavery are prohibited.
4- An intrinsic question is that which is inherent in the very existence of the individual or thing to which it refers. For example, for liberal thinkers, freedom is intrinsic to the human condition.
5- Ethics is the set of social and legal norms that govern the conduct of society, through norms that may be imperative and enforceable for individuals.