this is what i wrote for that article!
Michael Jordan is known by millions. A legend for turning failure into success time and time again. When Jordan was a sophomore in high school, he tried out for the varsity basketball team. When the results were posted, Jordan's name wasn't on it. 15-year-old Jordan was devastated, and in his mind, it was the ultimate failure. But Jordan picked himself up and did what champions do. He used his failure and disappoint to drive him to try harder, and grow to be better. Michael Jordan faced many more challenges in his life, but because of his attitude, he's become one of the best basketball players in the world and known for succeeding time and time again after failure and defeat.
I believe the answer is lower than poor whites, but higher than enslaved people or it could be equal to poor whites. I am going to say lower than poor whites but higher, but higer than enslaved people. please let me no if I am wrong.
One long-term care insurance benefit trigger considers whether the insured needs supervision to protect against threats to health or safety due to memory loss or disorientation. This benefit trigger is referred to as a severe cognitive impairment trigger.
Benefit triggers are particular conditions that must happen before the insured can start receiving benefits. The most common “triggers” in long-term care insurance policies are:
Medical Necessity;
Loss of Functional Capacity; and
Cognitive Impairment.
Most times only one of these triggers need exist in order to qualify for benefit payments.
As consumer phycology is the study of how or why people buy things or goods, it is a useful tool to seek what are the patterns that potential customers are likely to follow aiming to sell the bank services such as bank runs.
By using the influence of marketing, and external stimuli to convince possible clients to purchase, based on studies and their findings, which can help banks marketing executives to figure out how to sell the product or what is the most likely population to work on based on their preferences in order to offer different options to the costumers that can adapt to their needs.