B, that is the only one that makes sense in this sentence. If the sentence was worded differently than it would be, C
The answer in this text is simple by looking at what you have read choose the (b. for this inquiry.
Considering Your Task and Your Rhetorical Situation - Analyzing the Writing Task
Understanding what the writing task asks you to do is the first important step in the
writing process. Read through the below passage the first time with the grain, paying
attention to your general understanding of the focus and purpose.
Answer: A. Different emotional states affect people’s honesty.
This excerpt states that when people experience different emotional states, their levels of honesty fluctuate too. When people are anxious, stressed out due to the expectations of others, or angry, they are more likely to be dishonest. Therefore, theft and other similar behaviours increase around holidays that rely on these feelings, such as Christmas and Valentine's Day. However, when people are more cheerful and relaxed, dishonest behaviour becomes less common.
The southeastern face of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota’s Black Hills National Forest is the site of four gigantic carved sculptures depicting the faces of U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Led by the sculptor Gutzon Borglum, work on the project began in 1927 and was finally completed in 1941. Over that time period, some 400 workers erected the sculpture under dangerous conditions, removing a total of 450,000 tons of rock in order to create the enormous carved heads, each of which reached a height of 60 feet (18 meters). In sculptor Gutzon Borglum’s original design, the four presidents were meant to be represented from the waist up, but insufficient funding brought the carving to a halt after completion of their faces. Known as the “Shrine of Democracy,” Mount Rushmore welcomes upwards of 2 million visitors every year, and is one of America’s most popular tourist attractions.
The answer is B - The water vapor goes high, up into the sky, so far up that the air grows cold.