Bear in mind that the word should have an accent mark over the final 'a' like this -- abrirá -- in order to be fully correct.
Answer:Determine if the environment of the fragments of Los pazos de Ulloa is presented in a
direct or indirect and cite examples from the text to support your answers.
Mis parientes de colorado “Venían” todos los veranos.
Primero “Caminaba” por el parque, luego encontré a Lola.
(Actually, I’m latina but I’m not sure if they want u to use the verb of “Andaba”, I mean, it’s already in the other sentence)
El año pasado “Viajamos” por sudamerica
1. Tú cantas.
2. Ellos conversan.
3. Tú y yo cenamos.
4. La profesora enseña.
5. Mis compañeros viajan.
identifying the person of the narrator, and the time in which it is indicated, we can correctly conjugate the verb, and that it has agreement with what is being expressed.