Answer: The momentum of the grasshopper changes compare to that of the car, as momentum is mass times velocity of an object.
The momentum of the grasshopper changes as it hit the windscreen much more than that of the car, because the mass of the grasshopper is smaller than that of the car, but the momentum of the car slightly change because of the mass.
Explanation on how to answer:
Read the story and figure out whats missing. Without the whole story, no one can tell you what important part is missing. Find the section that that excerpt is from and see what the differences are, or post the full story.
I believe that in day to day circumstances, yes. We can control when we brush our teeth and what we put on our toast. Overall though, we cannot control our fate. In most religions and prominently in greek myths, fate is something higher you cant control. When someone tries to control there fate that is when they often make the worst happen. Fate is what will happen and cannot be persuaded or changed at all.
Hope this helped.
Id choose the red cross. This charity has been around for many years and has a lot of experience with what they do. they are always helping the people that need the most not just the people that need the what they only want. Thank you!
The theme is that everyone has a treasure or something that is important to him or her, and it does not have to have great monetary value.
Shouldn't you know this stuff??