It will Decreases U.S. real GDP and on the other way round it will increases the well-being of a typical working person in the U.S.
The impact of the decline in working hours is that it will Decreases U.S. real GDP and on the other way round it will definitely lead to increase in the well-being of a typical working person in the U.S. because of the decline in the U.S work week which was formally 60 hours in the 1980 but now 40 hours today because a typical working person will have more time for him/her and the stress involved in working for 60 hours per week will reduce when compared with working for 40 hours per week because a typical working person in the U.S will preferred to work for 40 hours per week than 60hours per week for the betterment of their well being.
Warner Bros focuses a lot on the people as an organization whether it’s the employees or the customers. The key people involved are Kevin Tsujihara (Chairman and CEO), Edward A. Romano (Vice Chairman), Toby Emmerich (President and Chief Content Officer). Its parent company TIME Warner has over 31000 employees. The Warner Bros company and its people focus on diversity that helps in multicultural expansion, workforce development and inclusive growth. It does not differentiate between its customers and focus on providing quality content to all across the globe.
I would suggest that only advertisement doesn't make people to buy it.
Option C because it is impossible to determine the legality based on the facts given.
E.) Opportunity cost is the cost associated with giving up one opportunity for the benefit earned by another.
These are payment terms in the accounting. The first term 2/10 means that if you can pay the amount after 10 days, you would be given a 2% discount. If not, that's what the second terms means. This means you have to pay the net or full amount within 30 days.
So, if he can pay within 10 days, he will only have to give $3214.4. If not, then he would have to pay $3280 within 30 days.