It happened after the Russian decision to avoid World War I.
Answer: Banking System Audit, Federal Aid Administration, Public Works Administration.
- As the economic crisis has caused the collapse of the entire financial system, the banking sector has also been hit. The savings of the Americans were questionable if the banks ultimately failed. Hoover has ordered Congress to set up a commission to oversee the entire banking sector. More than ten thousand banks have gone through that audit. The move turned out to be good, as people's savings of up to five thousand dollars were secured. So by this figure, the savings were sure to restore Americans' confidence in the banking system.
- Harry Hopkins headed the Federal-Aid Board. This agency sent funds to the emptied local relief agencies. $ 5 million was issued in two hours. Hopkins believed that people should be allowed to work, not to give alms. His program also funded public works programs. The result of this program is the resuscitation of many assistance programs.
- The goal of this program was to rebuild the country's infrastructure. This meant rebuilding roads, bridges, and public spaces. The effectiveness of this program has proven to be successful, given that around 4 million people are employed through this program. In this context, we can also mention the Corps of Public Goods. About 2.5 million unmarried men are employed through the corps of public goods on afforestation, maintenance of parks and beaches.
The situation was the result of the desire to form a tyranny free government. Now they would have to create a new stronger government that could also protect against tyranny. Three ways the Constitution defends against tyranny are federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.
It's to hold these men over the other country's head. "We have your soldiers, so what are you gonna do about it?" It costs a lot. Feeding and gaurding the soldiers is very hard.
a mountain range in central Europe that separated the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. Today it extends through Poland and Hungary.
Carpathian Mountains acted as barriers to travelers and traders, and as protection. Byzantine Empire - had a different leader.
The Carpathian Mountains are the second longest mountain system in Europe covering an area of about 210,000 square kilometers. Seven countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, and Ukraine) share the territory of the Carpathian region, five of them are EU members.