He will most likely ask if it’s diagnosed and if yes he will just tell your parents to check in with you and if no it could go three ways 1, he sits down and has a confidential conversation 2, he calls your parents during or after the convo 3, he just doesn’t care
It is an effective way to teach self control because those consequences or ineffective way to reduce behavior is never useful
The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee. These responses are evolutionary adaptations to increase chances of survival in threatening situations. Overly frequent, intense, or inappropriate activation of the fight or flight response is implicated in a range of clinical conditions including most anxiety disorders. A helpful part of treatment for anxiety is an improved understanding of the purpose and function of the fight or flight response. This client information sheet describes the bodily consequences of the fight or flight response.
AnswerPacking for a trip? If so, a shirt pants underwear and deoderant.
You should be good , next time just get a detox , it tastes super disgusting but it works