The Bataan Death March was a incident during the midst of World War Two. Just after the Battle of Bataan between Filipino and American forces against the Japanese. This Battle was fought in the Luzon island during the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. After the Battle in April 1942 over 80,000 American and Filipino POWs (Prisoners Of War) had to walk from Saysain Point, Bagac, Bataan and Mariveles to Camp O'Donnell, Capas, Tarlac. Many lives were lost due to heat exhaustion, tiredness, execution, etc.
The battle of Lexington and Concord
William mckinly was the president
Two of the issues that made it difficult for explorers during Columbus's time to explore unknown territory by sea were; inaccuracies of navigational tools made exploration by sea inconsistent and unpredictable and explorers had limited knowledge of the world’s geography.
Further Explanation:
During Columbus's time of exploring the sea was the best way to travel. The governments wanted to explore so they could use the sea for trade routes and commercial operations.
In addition to the answers above, other things that made exploration difficult during this time were;
- early technology used was imprecise such as "dead reckoning"
- the seas were challenging and inconsistent since they were uncharted
- navigators could become lost
- the financial risks were too high if the navigators and ships were lost
When Christopher Columbus did find America it was not intentional, he was actually going to Spain but he did not have the tool or the knowledge to get there and ended up going the wrong direction.
Learn more about exploration during Columbus's time at