Every cell in the human body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women
Hypothesis is tested by doing an experiment and COLLECTING DATA.
Hope this helps.
Special properties of an oxygen-binding protein in the muscles of marine mammals, such as seals, whales and dolphins, are the reason these animals can hold their breath underwater for long periods of time, according to a new study. ... In fact, the amount was so high in the muscle that it almost looked black in color.
Water is important in chemical weathering because most substances dissolve in water.
The process of dissolving breaks up the minerals in the rock into small pieces. The small pieces mix with water to form.
Acids are also agents of chemical weathering and cause more chemical weathering than pure water does.
monomer of carbohydrates glucose,sucrose,fructose
polymer of carbohydrates starch,cellulose,glycogen
monomer of protein amino acids
polymer of protein polypeptides
monomer of nucleic acid nucleotides
polymer of nucleic acid DNA
polymer of lipids triglycerides
monomer of lipids 3 fatty acids and glycerol