Answer: the donkeys they rode on their exepeditions into the countryside
they...acquired the nickname "the donkeys"
Answer:option c
Restorative justice is a good way of resolving minor legal conflicts between
people, but it is unlikely to be useful in addressing serious or violent crimes.
The central idea or (main idea) in a piece of writing is the point that the author wants you to remember most.
In this test option c fulfills this requirement and potrays the main point the author is talking about
Answer: Big city that he lives in and he is afraid to let his cat outside
Explanation: Diego is someone who is living in a big city and it's normal for big cities that many dangerous situations that could happen to human or animals. In that city, there are many dogs that can harm his cat or people that can steal her and he is afraid because of those things and that is something that can best show why is he keeping Oz indoor.
He doesn't want his cat to be in dangerous situations because he doesn't want to lose his cat.
You begin with the largest to the smallest. First revise the overall structure. make sure you have introductory paragraph, followed by supporting paragraphs. then summary and closing paragraphs.
After the paragraphs are correct then you can go in and revise sentences that do not belong. either reword or remove.
The final step is the words. making sure they are spelled and used correctly
the spanish flu book thingy i cant remember the title