Nick fury started reading science fiction books ,after the library added a new section.
Foreshadowing is when an author uses symbolism, an event, a small detail, or even a part of dialogue to be a warning or indication of a future event. An author might use this because they want to give the reader knowledge about a future event or to tease them.
Disney does not target any one area, age group or population. They use what is called market segmentation. In fact, it is really geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and psychographic segmentation to find their target market. The geographic segmentation refers to a region of the country or the world, market size, market density, or market climate. Disney places their theme parks in the most visited places - Japan, Europe, India and the US. The demographic segmentation refers to age, gender, income, family life cycle and ethnic background. They use this to help them decide where they should locate their Disney stores, what movies to show and even what show to make next. The psychographic segmentation is about personalities, lifestyles and geodemographics. This study helps them predict who is going to buy their products.
Disney also uses multi-segment targeting strategy. which is when a company uses 2 or more well-defined marketing segments. Disney interests everyone from the young to the old so they provide something for everyone. Using the idea of family they know they will need something that everyone likes to make it a "memory" as they advertise.