<em>CHARACTERÍSTICAS </em><em> </em><em>DE </em><em>LOS </em><em>BIOELEMENTOS:</em>
<em>*</em><em>Masa </em><em>molecular </em><em>pequeña:</em><em> </em><em>esto </em><em>les </em><em>permite</em><em> </em><em>compartir </em><em>electones </em><em>de </em><em>su </em><em>capa </em><em>externa </em><em>y</em><em> </em><em>formar</em><em> </em><em>enlaces</em><em> </em><em>covalentes</em><em> </em><em>estables</em><em>.</em>
<em>*</em><em>Polaridad:</em><em> </em><em>muchas </em><em>veces </em><em>la </em><em>tienen </em><em>los </em><em>compuestos </em><em>formados.</em><em> </em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em>
<em>*</em><em>El </em><em>carbono </em><em>comparte </em><em>cuarto </em><em>electrones </em><em>formado </em><em>cuarto </em><em>enlaces</em><em> </em><em>covalentes</em><em> </em><em>muy </em><em>estable.</em>
Both conduction and induction involve a movement of electrons. Conduction is the transfer of electrons from a charged object to another object by direct contact. Induction does not involve direct contact. Instead, induction is the movement of electrons from one part of an object to another as a result of the electric field of the second object. What is the difference between conductive and non-conductive? Conductive materials are good conductors of heat or electricity. Nonconductive materials are not good conductors of heat or electricity. I hope this helps! :)
Answer:The raw materials required for the process of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water and solar energy.
The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere diffuses into the leaf through stomata.
Water is obtained from the plant roots.
Solar energy is obtained from the sun which gets trapped by the chlorophyll pigment present in the leaves.
Product of Meiosis II is the formation of 4 unique cells, with each carrying new assortment of genes and chromosomes.
A is the sun hope this can help