I believe the printing press. Before the printing press books were very rare and expensive. Most religious scrolls were put on cloth or papyrus(a type of plant). After the invention of the printing press it made books less rare and expensive. And launched the world into a more modern era.
They were tolerant of all religions.
Emperor Taizu set the policy that most of the governing officials should beConfucian literati who passed the imperial exam, which was known as the Keju examination in ancient China. Thanks to this policy, many ordinary people became officials by studying hard.
Some achievements of the progressive movement include <span>ensuring that leaders are responsible for the needs of its citizens and curtailing the abuses of those in the position of power cannot be ignored. This is because p</span><span>rogressive thinkers did a great deal to ensure that all voices in the political discourse are heard and to promote the general welfare of American citizens. Remember progression means to move forward :)</span>