Yalta Conference and deciding the future of Germany and Poland
Down the great rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. Then the sailors would portage (carry and drag) their ships between rivers, heading for southern flowing rivers, such as the Dneiper and Don,
Answer: Tanks. In 1914, the “war of movement” expected by most European generals settled down into an unexpected, and seemingly unwinnable, war of trenches, Flamethrowers, Poison Gas, Tracer Bullets,
Gear Air traffic control,
Depth Charges, and Hydrophones.
Explanation: Machine gun - The machine gun was improved during the war. It was made much lighter and easier to move around. Flame throwers - Flame throwers were used by the German Army on the western front in order to force the enemy out of their trenches. Chemical weapons - World War I also introduced chemical weapons to warfare. Hope this helps!
Usually, upper middle class pay is about $150,000+ so this could include physicians, accountants, lawyers, and IT Professionals.