Nature is those things acquired by genetic or hereditary influences. Nurture on the other hand is those things that are influenced by the environment we live in. ... An example of this debate is whether high blood pressure and obesity is a health risk that is passed genetically from parent to child.
I know it is c becoue I had tht for homework one nite and I got it right
B. Personal essay.
In the USA it is customary for applicants to a university to submit a personal essay in which the applicant elaborates upon a certain topic following a well-defined narrative line and dwelling on a personal thesis that needs to be accompanied by well-founded reasoning and an axiological framework that can make the student present him or herself to the admissions committee in a creative and personal manner.
A is the answer probably why I didn’t answer your question I was going through a little something to you I just got to work I got to go get some food I have a question about the answer I have a lot to say to my mom was a little too late for you to go get some food or do I have a lot to say to me I just want you and you don’t have any plans to do that day I don’t know if I want you or I just don’t know what you mean but I’m just going through a lot of trouble and I’m just saying I’m sorry you didn’t want me to come to you I don’t know if I have to be there for a little bit I just want to let me do that and go and take my son out