The protests here in the United States showed that the American people did not want to fight this war. They felt that it was a war we never should have entered. Unfortunately for the American soldiers over in Vietnam once they returned they were disrespected and treated with distain. The protester were so against the war that they forgot about the men who actually served and died and for their country
When Europeans experienced the events of the Scientific Revolution they looked upon it as a changing world, although not always open to the origins of those scientific changes. The Scientific Revolution became part of society without many people even noticing.
China was probably least influenced by the policy of trading geneticslly modified orgsnisms, although given the tense economic relationship between the USA and Mexico and the geopolical particularities of Chad, they would be good candidates
A shogunate is most similar to a "military dictatorship" in terms of a relevant modern government, since each leader (Shogun) was a hereditary military dictator in Japan.