Others worked as artisans or in shipping and various trades in the city.also used in farming on Long Island and in the Hudson Valley, as well as the Mohawk Valley region. During the American Revolutionary War, the British troops occupied New York City in 1776.
Egypt came under attack from Italian Libya on account of the British presence there, although Egypt itself remained neutral until late in the war. After the war Egypt sought to modify the treaty, but it was abrogated in its entirety by an anti-British government in October 1951.
1750-1900 revolutionary period.
- The world history tells about the revolution between the period of 1750 to 1900. In this period, certain changes occur such as:
- The Colombian exchange occurred.
- The movement of the products, peoples, and ideas has been exchanged.
- The population increased along with disease increased.
- The industry comes in existence so productivity has been increased with wealth and demand.
- The political shift has been occurred due to rebellion and revolt.
- People have been migrated because of the opportunity in economy and political turmoils.
Shams ad-Din Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Luwati at-Tanyi, better known as Ibn Battuta was an important Muslim traveler who was born in the mid 14th century in Morocco; although little is known about him, it is said that he would have traveled longer distances than Marco Polo, Ibn Yuzayy, a Historian to whom Battuta would have told his travels, wrote the Rhila or their chronicles.
In one of these chronicles, he reached Mogadishu and several impressions were recorded. First of all, some customs,such as the one of approaching travelers´ vessels before they arrive to the harbor and offer different services, such as food and hospitality. He found people from Mogadishu generous and welcoming, and described the city as very big, noticing that there was an active trade of sheeps and camels, as there was a big amount of those animals being slaughtered there.
Later in the chornicles, as he was invited to stay in Mogadishu at the Sultan´s home -Bakr ibn Shaikh Umar-, a description of the customs regarding the Sultan´s activities is recorded, particularly in his role as head and leader of the community.
i think all marajuana should be legal regardless
if sates allow medical marajuana they might as well just legalize the sh*t cause you know yo grandma could be perscribed medical marajuana and you can just be like toss me some