Answer: You get more done
Explanation:. Every business that wants to make progress has more tasks that need doing than it has people to do them.
Working with more focus, working longer, and working smarter helps you accomplish more tasks.
This requires a great deal of planning. You must first start with what you MOST want to highlight, making sure you hit all of the requirements. Each highlighted part should be its own box. From there, add a detail to each along with the commentary. Then time it. If you go over, see what you can possibly eliminate. If it isn’t long enough, add more detail where you can. Make sure that is is well-organized from start to finish. This will require trial and error, but proper planning will help.
Atticus Finch and Boo Radley. These men to me are considered mockingbirds. When thinking of mockingbirds I get a sense of innocence. Atticus is above all the other adults around him and he is kindly defending and respecting Boo as he does everyone else. Boo Radley is also a mockingbird because he was wrongly accused of sexual assault even though knowing his character he didn’t do it. His testimony was very powerful and eye opening.
nice, bossy, mean, strict, and sweet
1 - playing should be play
2 - no would, it should be if you worked harder...
3 - I was at dinner
4 - the world would be a happier
5 - and I DON'T EITHER
6 - isnt' should was not